Saturday, August 2, 2008

....and here we GO

Here he is ladies and gentlemen, about two and a half weeks early. Derian Joshua weighed in at 6lbs 9oz and was a little over 19 inches long. The little bit of hair he has is a sandy blonde color just like Melissa's. He is about as mellow as can be but hates, I MEAN HATES to be naked or have his diaper off him for even 5 seconds. Other than eating, sleeping and messing up his diaper, Derian likes to wave his hands in the air and suck his thumb (although it looks like he's shoving his fist down his throat). And when he waves his hands in the air, he does it so violently it looks like he's some crazy-mad symphony conductor. Oh and did I also mention that since he is early we had to go out and buy some more clothes to fit him. But I'm sure I also speak for Melissa when I say that he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

As for Melissa, she is doing awesome. She made it through the birth great and I couldn't be more proud of her. Wednesday night/Thursday morning (right after midnight) we were just laying down after hanging out with the Fairbanks'. I was almost asleep when I hear this yell next to me and then "My water just broke!!!" So after a few minutes of running around like crazy and getting orders shouted at me, we were in the car to the hospital. We got settled into the delivery room after 2, Melissa was fully dilated at around 7 after she slept for a while (EPIDURAL), and Derian was born after a few hours of pushing at 11:07 AM (Mountain Time).

We spent 2 days in the hospital and had some friends come to visit us. The hospital was really nice and so was each nurse we had over the period of time we were there. We got home today in the afternoon and have been getting adjusted. Hemi and Gracie have been good with him, although I think they just see him as an object right now. I'm sure it will be different once he starts motoring around the house and harassing them.

Well, Melissa and I are ready to pass out and Derian just ate so I think its best that I try to get some sleep.

I know I'll be up a few times overnight . Take care.



Jennifer said...

aah, I'm so happy to finally get a detailed update! hehe He's so adorable- he looks so much like Melissa, wow! Glad to hear the birth went well. Take care and try to get some rest :) :)

Banks said...

Derian is so cool!

Kelly and I couldn't stop talking about that little guy last night after y'all left here... He is GREAT!

Brady wants another little baby out of us now... I don't see that one happening.

We expect big things from the Angry Chuck Blog from here on out!!
