Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My First Post

Well today was a busy and exciting day. We began with breakfast at LaMar's Donuts...a great local donut place we found here. After that we went to my doctor's appt. (36 weeks). The doc said things look good, I am a centimeter dilated, and the baby's head is in position. Now, I believe we are going to try induction first and see what happens. Before we were thinking c-section. Next, we went to the Flatirons Mall to Kiddie Kandids. I had a coupon for a free 8x10 maternity picture. So we figured why not take them up on the offer, plus Chas and I have not gotten any pictures taken professionally since our wedding. So they took one of me by myself and the rest were with Chas and myself. The pictures turned out awesome. We continued this afternoon running errands and then crashed for a nap before dinner.

Things are getting close to the baby's due date, only a few more weeks. We are looking forward to it. I also have only 1 more week at my summer job (Sylvan Learning Center). My dad flies out 2 weeks from tomorrow. I am looking forward to having some time off with the baby and Chas and not going back to school at the beginning of the year. It will be a nice break.



Jennifer said...

Hi Melissa :) Just wanted to say I hope these last few weeks are good- the end can get pretty uncomfortable. 1cm already, that's great! Maybe you'll go into labor early and won't have to worry about induction (I had Pitocin myself and it made things pretty intense!) Keep us posted :) :)

Banks said...

Hey Melissa,

I don't know anything about induction, or c-sections, or pitocin...

I do know that we are ALL very excited to meet the baby! Can't wait (well, we can wait little bit!)

See Ya Wednesday,

The Fairbanks'