Monday, July 14, 2008

after a short delay

Sorry its been so long, things have been busy out west for the last few months. The baby should be here in under a month and we are putting the finishing touches on getting everything ready. Here is the baby's room as it is right now. Melissa is having the art teacher at her school put a mural on the wall behind the changing table. So hopefully the ultrasound lady was right when she said it was a boy. Otherwise we'll have a lot of rearranging to do.

Melissa has been good, other than being tired quite a bit. She still seems to be trying to do too much and I keep telling her she needs to rest. Of course she is looking over my shoulder right now laughing at me. Melissa is now saying she is going to start posting things on here so maybe we might have some things worth reading.

We both seem to be missing Pittsburgh a bit more lately since the baby is coming and we won't be able to introduce him to a lot of our friends right away. This might warrant another trip home for a longer period than last time. We were thinking around Christmas time since I already have some time off scheduled. Melissa's Dad and my mother and brother will both be coming out right after the baby is born but there are still a lot of people to see.

As for me, everything is still good at work. Its getting a little rough working EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN' WEEKEND. Of course, once the baby is here we won't have to worry about much daycare since I am home 3 days a week. I got the pleasure of going through shotgun training for the last 2 days. I'll leave you with a nice picture of the joy that it brought me.




Banks said...


Baby room looks great. Your arm? Not so much!

That's okay though, shotguns are bad A$%!!!! It's worth it!


Jennifer said...

um OUCH!!!?

The room looks great! Also, I think that might be the same crib that Maggie has... is it from BabiesRUs, Issi or something like that?