Well, neither could the ultrasound lady.....from that picture. After several minutes of searching and one prediction of a girl......she was finally able to find the infamous boy parts. So we are having a boy.......a son.....so what did we do to celebrate?? We went and spent way too much money on clothes for the baby. Plus we registered at Babies R' Us. The store was really confusing at first but it better once I remembered to take deep breaths. I tell you on thing, that kid is going to be spoiled.
In other news........the trip home was nice. It was of course way to short and we didn't get to see everyone we wanted to (sorry Lyker's we really wanted to meet Maggie). It made us miss everyone a lot when we had to leave after only seeing them for a couple hours. One thing I didn't really miss is the Pittsburgh winter weather. I know it's technically Spring but the weather is still Winter. That damp, cloudy cold was starting to wear on me after only a few days. It makes me appreciate how good we have it out here with all the sunshine and dry air.
I did get my fill of two things that I missed the most during my first year away from the 'burgh......Primanti's and Yuengling Lager. Boy they both tasted good too. They both need to think about expanding out west. Of course when I was hanging out with a buddy of mine I had to drink a Coors Light with the comment, "It tastes fresher out there", even though it tastes exactly the same.
Well I'm sitting here watching tv and trying to think of things to say, but not getting too far. So I'm gonna cut this post off.
Catch you all later.